Sustainability at Langtons

At Langton's we value sustainability. Our initiative started with small steps towards a vision of creating a more environmentally conscious establishment 

Langtons Sustainability Initiative began in 2020 with the belief that small changes can make a big difference and we committed to fostering an eco-friendly and sustainable environment for our guests and staff.  

Initially, we found very small ways to start making changes right away, such as overhauling front of house processes to reduce printing, and eliminating single use shampoos & conditioners, opting instead for the luxury, ethical VOYA spa range, with refillable dispensers. 

Since then we have constantly sought out opportunities to enhance our sustainability efforts, from the thoughtful creativity in our menus, using locally-produced ingredients to the repurposing of broken bottle skips into herb planters.  

Today we are proud to have 236 solar panels, 4 EV charging stations, rooftop herb gardens, and much more. These efforts not only power us sustainably but also drastically reduce our carbon footprint.  

By fostering a culture of sustainability, we aim to create a ripple that inspires positive change throughout our property which can be carried forward, establishing sustainable choices as standard practice. 


We aim to operate a business which delivers positive environmental, social and economic impacts to our guests and staff, without any compromise on quality. We’re committed to making a positive impact, one sustainably focused choice at a time. 

At Langtons Hotel Kilkenny, we believe that sustainable tourism is tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social, and environmental impacts while addressing the needs of visitors. We aim to reduce our negative effects and increase our positive impacts. 

In line with this we continually strive to improve our practices in a range of areas including energy, single use plastic, social impact and water usage. Sustainability is a journey of continuous improvement, and we aim to highlight our areas that require development through regular measurement and assessment. 

We commit to measuring our water, energy and waste usage on a monthly basis and then to reduce consumption where possible. It is our aim to make the following reductions in 2024: 

Electricity by 5%  

- Water by 10% 

- General waste by 20%  

- Food waste by 5% 


We have completed a comprehensive energy audit and have successfully reduced our energy use 30% since 2023. 

We have made a significant investment in solar energy and have saved 21 tonnes of carbon emissions with our solar panels in just 4 months of them being in operation.  

We have a daily energy check with real-time monitoring of wide scale usage.  

The hotel operates on LED lighting which saves tonnes of CO2 energy 

We have 4 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for our guests to use.  

We have also removed all open fire that used coal and replaced with sustainable wood pellet burners 

In all our washrooms, we have implemented energy saving electric hand dryers, minimizing waste and energy consumption.  


We obtain our water exclusively through legal and sustainable water sources. We ensure that our water source from Uisce Eireann is unlikely in future to affect environmental flows. We assure that our wastewater is always treated according to international standards. We further assure that neither nature nor the local population is exposed to negative influences resulting from our wastewater.  

We work on reducing run-off and where possible capture or channel and filter any residue water. We do so by: 

We have installed many water-saving measures including low-flow taps, and installing flow meters to highlight areas of water waste 

Staff are encouraged to reduce water consumption when cleaning and cooking by not leaving taps running. 


We ensure that we only dispose of waste legally and send our waste only to official/approved facilities 

We aim to eliminate areas of waste and then look for circular opportunities for our waste streams. 

We are actively eliminating single use plastic and have found replacements for the following items of single use plastic in the hotel: 

Miniature shower care bottles have been replaced with refillable dispensers 

We provide compostable takeaway items as much as possible 

Plastic drinking straws have been replaced with paper ones 

Plastic water bottles in the bedrooms are now glass and refillable 

Plastic cups in the nightclub and high capacity functions are now polycarbonate reusable cups. 

Soda bottles in the nightclub have been replaced by soda guns, you could fill our car park with all of the soda bottles saved in 5 years! 

Coasters are paper and compostable 

Guest amenities such as dental kits, vanity kits are bamboo or biodegradable 

Purchasing Policy 

As much as possible our head chef sources our food from local producers thereby reducing food miles (the distance that food must travel to get from farm to fork). Our chicken and vegetables in particular are all locally sourced. We also endeavor to purchase and support small artisan producers. 

We aim to choose locality, seasonality, avoid packaging and use certified products as much as possible and will not be motivated by price alone. 


We support local artists and sustainable initiatives by providing a free platform to display their work 

We are committed to providing local employment opportunities for local residents in particular. We advertise roles locally first before widening the search nationally. 

We have invested in greenery and flower beds around the hotel to encourage biodiversity and provide a habitat for bees, playing our part in supporting the local ecosystem.  

We are passionate about our community and often find ways to engage in and partake in positive community initiatives and fundraisers.  

We actively recommend and promote our neighbours, encouraging guests to partake in local activities and experiences.  

Woodstock gardens inistiogue co kilkenny master Langton Hotel Kilkenny

Explore The Area

Whether it is discovering the Medieval Mile, visiting historic museums, zip wire fun, sampling the local produce or simply some retail therapy, Kilkenny has something to suit all ages.

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